Self Isolation Mantra by Deepika Padukone amid Lockdown


Be it with a picture of her cleaning out her closet, taking to an enhanced skin-cleansing routine, or a more recent post of her chalking out her weekend travel plan as she 'jets off' to her living room from her kitchen, deepika padukone is employing humour to keep her fans entertained when in isolation. But the severity of the current scenario that the country finds itself in is not lost on the actor. With limited discussion on how individuals can address their mental well-being while being quarantined and fed a barrage of disquieting news, Padukone advises individuals to "follow a routine".


"The most basic thing [that people can do] follows a routine. A lot of anxiety develops due to uncertainty; not knowing what is to come in the future. It is important to focus on the now, and one way to achieve that is by setting daily, and weekly targets. Let's not avoid formulating a routine just because there's a curfew. Some people can cope with it. But, for most people, getting into a routine, like going to bed and waking up at a defined time, and setting up a dedicated work space and holding virtual [meetings], is important. Set a system and [become] disciplined," the actor tells mid-day, adding that should individuals be hit by a severe bout of anxiety, professional help must be sought. "Reaching out to a mental health professional is the best thing to do. Not only will you have someone to talk to, but also, the person [is best suited to aid you since he] will be a professional expert."


Ask the actor what measures she takes when she fears for her mental health, and she says, "I believe in the basics, [which is getting] adequate nutrition, sleep, exercise and hydration. This works for me." Battling depression in the past has made her more intuitive and aware of her emotional state, she admits. "That's why I call it my love-hate relationship with the illness."


Four tips by deepika padukone to stay healthy in isolation

1 Set a routine, which includes sleeping and waking up at a defined time

2 Set daily and weekly targets

3 Take to an exercise regimen, and watch the diet

4 Get an adequate amount of sleep and hydration.

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