I am a thick skinned guy now - Harry Styles

Life teaches you many facts and also make you strong if you have been through a tough stages, it's never an easy step for any successful man in life. There must be one day or other that we data-face the stupid day and we feel like "Why me?", these are not by us but by Harry Styles who revealed that his life made him the thick skinned guy.  "You have to think about people, but you have to look after yourself, too, otherwise you’d drive yourself crazy because you can’t please everyone. It doesn’t work. There needs to be a point where you step back and do something for yourself. I’ve decided not to let other people’s opinions change what I think,” he said. "I Google (the band). If there’s been something in a paper, I’ll Google it to look at the article online,” he added. Not just Harry there are plenty of stars in film industry who turn out to be bold just because of their life style and their past life influence on them. Harry exploded and other's did not explode is just a small difference out there.  

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