Sexy heroine shocks Telugu industry

saraswathi nikhil

Whenever a heroine enters the film industry, her image is registered depending upon the first few films she does so producers and directors don’t expect her to change. But here is one actress who has set new standards to glamour and sex appeal and this has created shock waves in filmnagar circles.

The talk now is about Madhhurima. This Bengali bombshell made her debut with some conventional roles due to which many failed to recognize her hot appeal. Now, Madhhurima has gone through a makeover and is being spotted in her hottest avatar turning heads wherever she goes.


Her message is clear that she is ready for glamour roles and it is about time the Tollywood circles utilise this opportunity. Some of them are predicting that if Madhhurima gets the right films then she has the potential to enter the big league of heroines. It is only a matter of time before Madhhurima’s shock impact and sex appeal will create a hot wave.

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