Karnal youth dies in road accident in Washington

Karnal youth dies in road accident in Washington…

Haryana's son became a victim of a road accident in Washington, America. His car was hit by another car. 23-year-old Baldi resident rahul of Karnal died in the accident. There is an atmosphere of mourning in Karnal due to the death of the son. The family is inconsolable. Donations are being collected in America to bring Rahul's body to India. father Subhash told that rahul was the only son. The family's dream has been shattered due to the accident.

The family wanted the son to go abroad and work. On going to Washington, rahul got a parcel delivery job. The father told that he had sent his son to America 8 months ago after taking a loan of 50 lakhs. For about two months, rahul started working as a parcel delivery in Washington. In Washington, at 9 pm on the night of May 29, rahul was standing with his car at the red light. Another speeding car hit Rahul's car. Due to the severe collision, rahul died on the spot.

Haryana's son dies in America

After finishing his work, rahul did not reach home in Washington at night. Rahul's cousin Raman got worried when he did not reach home. He started looking for Rahul. When he called, the number was switched off. Raman along with his friends started looking for Rahul. During the search, Rahul's car was found damaged near a red light. On contacting the police, the information about the accident was received. Raman informed Rahul's family in india about the accident.

After getting the information about the accident, there was mourning in the house. Rahul's father has appealed to the indian government for help. He said that the financial condition of the family is not good. Help is expected from the indian government in bringing back the son's body. Rahul's younger sister is studying in the family. father Subhash works as an electrician. Now paying off the loan of Rs 50 lakh has also become a burden for the family.

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