When Dev Anand slapped his ladylove Suraiya?


When dev anand slapped his ladylove Suraiya…?

dev anand is a legendary actor of the industry. He made a special place in the hearts of fans with his iconic style. The actor had a strong fan following. dev anand was also in the news a lot about his personal life. He loved actress Suraiya and wanted to marry her. But it could not happen.

dev anand and Suraiya fell in love during the shooting of the film. In the middle of a scene, Suraiya's boat overturned and the actress fell into the water. Then dev anand saved her. But Suraiya's grandmother had a problem with this relationship. Suraiya's grandmother and maternal uncle even threatened to kill Dev Anand. This is why Suraiya was scared. She did not want anything to happen to dev anand because of her, that is why she was pulling back her feet.

When dev anand slapped Suraiya?

However, dev anand wanted to marry Suraiya. dev anand had said- We will do a court marriage, you need not be afraid. For me, my religion is love. Do not let society and family come between this. But Suraiya was confused, so dev anand got angry and there are reports that dev anand slapped Suraiya. After this, Suraiya cried a lot. But then dev anand regretted his action and Suraiya also forgave him. It is said that after this dev anand also sent a diamond ring to Suraiya. However, Suraiya said that her grandmother snatched that ring and threw it in the sea. Suraiya loved dev anand a lot but she could not muster the courage to marry him and she parted ways with Dev Anand. After this, dev anand moved forward in his life. He married Kalpana Kartik in 1954.

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