Siddhu Jonnalagadda Should Learn To Say ‘No’

Mr. Bachchan finishes up just after the Paid Premieres. At the box office, the film has been a huge failure. Trolls on social media regarding the director and certain movie scenes abound. Note that siddhu Jonnalagadda makes a brief appearance at the conclusion. Like a lot of the scenes in the second part of the movie, this appearance is strange, but siddhu is still endearing.

Siddhu is not disliked, but the young actor has to consider whether such appearances are truly required. siddhu has to practice saying "no" to requests of this nature. Most likely, he was unable to comment on a ravi teja movie or the production company he currently works with. Since his most recent film, Tillu Square, apparently made in the neighborhood of Rs 100 crores, according to the creators, siddhu Jonnalagadda is a happy guy.
This is an unneeded cameo that won't cause any harm. Nothing like this can be achieved with appearances like this when you work on films so deliberately. The tendency of making cameos was formerly considered unusual; nowadays, it is more remarkable to be choosy and to refuse such formality. Stay tuned for more updates.

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