Divyanka Tripathi opens up on cycling adventures!!!

Divyanka Tripathi opens up on cycling adventures!!!

Divyanka Tripathi Dahiya loves her wheels, and it all started with her first stint of learning to ride a bicycle in childhood. On World Bicycle Day today, the actor shares, “I learnt cycling in 3rd standard on the hilly slopes of Bhopal. It was all trial and error for me and my cousin. The first time I achieved my balance, I was so amazed that in ecstasy I fell and hurt myself. That’s when I got my first life lesson from my parents that 'girte hain sher sawar hi maidan-e-jung mein'.”

The 39-year-old insists that some of her sweetest childhood memories are associated with her adventures on a bicycle. “My best memories are from the school summer holidays when I used to cycle down to my papa's medical store to assist him. On one hand, I used to get praise from his friends for helping him out, and on the other hand, I would sneakily swipe off my favourite chocolates from the shelf. Before I could get adept in the craft, thankfully I was caught well in time. So as to not get banned from the shop and to be able to continue my cycling adventures, I amended my ways and became an honest assistant to my father,” she gushes.

The adventures of Dahiya on bicycles didn’t end in childhood as she recalls quite a unique incident that happened to her in adulthood. “Once I was cycling back home from a shoot location. A patch of steep ascending road became too difficult for me to continue but before I could stop and catch a breath, a few admirers on scooters and cars spotted me. To avoid a jam, I continued pedaling with a polite smile while my legs were begging for a break. That day on reaching home, when I could barely walk with spasmed thighs, I felt like an achiever for very odd reasons,” she smiles.

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