Dil Raju & Devarakonda Moves On From ‘Family Star’

S Venkateshwari
The wound inflicted by "Family Star" will undoubtedly take longer to heal for both the film's hero, Vijay devarakonda, and its producer, dil Raju. Though the creators intended filmmaker parasuram to create something out of the ordinary with the family-themed drama, it turned out to be a self-serving endeavour. However, Raju and devarakonda are departing from this.

Entrusting the task of delivering a huge picture to a relative newbie, filmmaker ravi Kiran Kola, who created a film named 'Raja Varu rani Varu' on a shoestring budget using a wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">digital camera, dil raju and devarakonda have now made the collaboration public. Though this filmmaker was meant to work in geetha arts camp, he has now shifted to dil Raju's camp, and the film's first concept poster will be released on May 9th, the eve of the hero's birthday. With ravi Kiran hailing from east Godavari, it appears that another rural mass drama is in the works for him, after raja Varu rani Varu.

While Raju and devarakonda have moved on from "Family Star," ravi Kiran Kola, a young filmmaker known for his comedic writing, will undoubtedly bear the responsibility of producing something huge. Will he effectively handle Vijay D's celebrity and dil Raju's huge production values, delivering an elusive smash for this combination? Only time has the answer.

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