Awareness about STEM ! Know about it in detail

STEM-Learning is not only Science, Engineering, Technology, Mathematics. It was about Creativity, Problem Solving, Innovation. Resilience, Problem Solving Capability, Creative Thinking, Innovativeness are natural for women. But beyond that, the space for them is very, very limited. The most important reason for that is what research says.. Roll model for women; There are very few role models like them that they should look up to. They say that there is hesitation and reluctance to go for it because of the lack of role models.


All the examples that we have in front of us are actually women who have achieved in STEM. But we do not know what is outside. For example, many pioneering women abound throughout history. women are the ones who invented many things that we are familiar with.

The Resource Persons we are going to see and talk to in the next two days are all people who have made great contributions in STEM fields. Personality that has been studied in many studies. You need to know a lot of things to talk and discuss with them. The world is wide and all of you should know and understand the opportunities that exist in it. This is the important purpose of Empower'. Awareness about STEM should be widely created in educational institutions from primary education to higher education.

Good Luck studio

Recently we were talking about an interesting study. That study was conducted among men and women studying engineering at Harvard University. What is said in that study is that women are also engineers; Men are also engineers. But mostly men are here for engineering jobs. What should women do when they enter engineering jobs? What does the result of that study say... If women come, they are very socially conscious. women approach problems very realistically. The solution they can think of to the problem.. is more realistic, implementable and relevant to the people. It will be for the people and not just for making money, says the study. So each of the sisters

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