Shocking photo released from the hospital...

Sowmiya Sriram
Shocking photo released from the hospital...
For the past one week, the talk about Vijayakanth's health has been causing a stir in the media. For the past few years, he had been resting at home due to failing health. However, on some important days, his photos and videos were published. But a few days ago he was admitted to Miot Hospital for routine treatment. After that, a report was released from the hospital that the captain's health was not stable and he had to undergo treatment for another 14 days. Since then, rumors have been spreading that the captain's health is worrying.
Vijayakanth's wife Premalatha released a video yesterday and put an end to all the rumors. She said that the captain will return home in two days. She is fine. She asked us not to believe in unnecessary rumors. After that, a photo of Vijayakanth in the hospital with his wife and son has also been published.
In it, the captain is wearing a mask. This is how the fans who saw him looking a little thin due to his health condition looked like this. They are wishing him a speedy recovery.

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