Ilayaraja who chased away his brother..!?
Even today, Ilayaraja's music is popular among fans. ilayaraja songs are the first thing that comes to mind when we think of a long journey at night. While ilayaraja was at his peak, other new composers came along but only Ilayaraja's name remained. Meanwhile, ilayaraja and his younger brother gangai amaran had a big problem. There is a celebrity behind this. A famous director has asked Ilayaraja's younger brother gangai amaran to compose the music for his film.
That is, malaysia Vasudevan directed a film and acted in it himself. Then if ilayaraja is cast as the music composer in that film it will cost a lot. This is because ilayaraja used to compose music in the films of leading actors. His salary was many times that time. Taking this into consideration, malaysia Vasudevan asked gangai amaran to compose the music for this film. ganga Amaran has also said that he doesn't know anything about music, leave him alone. Somehow he got the consent of ganga Amaran to compose music for his film and started the film as well. This news was published in the newspaper at that time. Seeing this, ilayaraja cursed Amaran on sight. What do you know about music?
After that, no matter who spoke of peace, ilayaraja could not be reconciled. Finally, ilayaraja gave up after his guru GK venkatesh spoke to him and told him to let his brother compose the music for the film so that someone else would do the music.