Actor dhanush is well-known in India. In addition to being a star in Tamil, he also appeared in a number of hindi and english movies. He has a solid following in telugu as well. telugu people like his movies like raghuvaran B.Tech, Nava Manmadhudu, and Thiru. He is now developing Sir, his debut film in just Telugu. Sir, a bilingual Tamil-Telugu film directed by venky Atluri, is scheduled to premiere tomorrow. It is a commercial drama that highlights the flaws in India's current educational system.
The audience responded favourably to the trailer, and the advance reservations are also fair. Recently, the movie was censored. Sir will appeal to both the audience members who are now enrolled in Intermediate/EAMCET and those who have already taken the course, the censor reports. It appears that all of the students in telugu states will be able to relate to the story. The producers today scheduled a few premiere performances in Hyderabad. All of the tickets for these performances were quickly snapped up.
The Opening day box office seems to be good despite Ant-Man storm. However, the numbers aren't great and in fact, SK's prince had better opening numbers and now with good WOM, the movie is sure to make some noise.