Superstar danced to Vijay's Ranjithame song..!?
How would it be if Superstar Rajinikanth sang for Vijay's Ranjithame? Actor sathish posted a tweet that edited the video with the song featured in the film 'Thalapathy' to an extent that no one could guess. It is being viewed virally. Thalapathy Vijay is currently acting in director Vamshi's film 'Varisu' which is releasing on january 12 ahead of the pongal festival. And while chiranjeevi and Nandamuri Balakrishna's films were released live in andhra pradesh and Telangana, producer dil raju has reportedly decided to release Vijay's 'Varisu' in more theatres.
In this case, in order to fulfill the imagination of what it would be like if Superstar Rajinikanth sang the Ranjithame song featured in the film 'Varisu'. They have edited and released the Ranjithame song along with the song Kattu Kuyile from the movie Thalapathy. Apart from the fact that this song is now going viral among fans, comedian Satish posted this video on his twitter page and posted a jolly tweet about it.