Actor ranveer singh spoke openly about his first night..!?
Ranveer Singh, who fell in love with actress deepika padukone and married her, has spoken about their first night on a show, which is going viral. ranveer singh - deepika padukone are the two who went from being a reel couple to a real couple in Bollywood. deepika met ranveer singh again on the sets of 'Ram-Leela'. This meeting turned into friendship and eventually blossomed into love. After this, the two resumed their love life and after a few years of falling in love, they got married in 2018. Their wedding was held in a grand manner in Lake Como, Italy. Deepika - Ranveer also has a daughter. Her name is Dua.
Ranveer Singh and deepika padukone are one of the star couples of Bollywood. deepika has been temporarily away from the cinema since she had a child last year. At the same time, ranveer singh is busy acting. Meanwhile, recently, ranveer singh, who participated in karan Johar's 'Koffee with karan 7', shared his bedroom secrets. Especially talking about his first night secret is going viral on the internet. On the show, karan asked Ranveer to play a game of bingo. When karan asked if he was tired after the wedding rituals, Ranveer shook his head and said no. He admitted that he and deepika were intimate on the first night. He admitted that he did the same in his vanity van too. He also said that he had a playlist of songs that change the mood and arouse emotions. This frank speech of ranveer singh shocked many people including karan Johar.