India's richest actress who is worth 4600 crores..!?
India's richest actress has a net worth of Rs. 4600 crores. She has become the richest actress in india through various endeavors like films, co-ownership of the kolkata Knight Riders IPL team, co-founding the red Chillies Group, and real estate portfolio. Usually, the success of screen celebrities is measured by the number of hits and flops in their recent films. After the box office analysis, the salaries of the actors also increase. Due to this, the net worth of the actors and actresses also increases significantly. There are many rich actresses in India. But do you know who is the richest indian actress in India? Let's see about this in this post. This actress's last film was released in 2019. The model-turned-actress also had other successful ventures, which made her the richest indian actress. She is none other than the famous bollywood actress Juhi Chawla.
Juhi Chawla is also the co-founder of Shah Rukh Khan's production company, red Chillies Group. Juhi and Jay are said to have a significant real estate portfolio in India. They also own two famous restaurants in Mumbai. juhi chawla starred in the 2023 Netflix film friday Night Plan. In the same year, she also starred in the web series The Railway Men, which was well-received by fans. Juhi's last major release was the film Ek Ladki Ko Deka To Aisa Laka. It is worth noting that this film was released in theaters in 2019.