Urvasivo Rakshasivo is written and directed by Rakesh Sashii. He chooses a well-known rom-com framework and attempts to turn it into an interesting story, even though it occasionally hits cliched notes. A tired trope is a middle-class boy falling in love with a wealthy girl. The same is true for a modern girl and a fairly conventional boy falling in love. especially now, when successively comparable topics have been discussed. The writing and casting are crucial factors with familiar setups and predictable narratives. Without them, it will be impossible to keep the audience's interest once they are aware of how the story develops.
The pleasure keeps popping up occasionally in Urvasivo Rakshasivo, and it works. What makes it work is the timing of the actors and the text. Although the main romance and drama don't provide anything new, the supporting cast makes the movie entertaining. Double entendre are used in the humour, however they tend to be of the risqué sort rather than the overtly filthy kind. Without a doubt, it is effective for the intended audience. After all the excitement, the interval proceeds as anticipated. Considering how close it is to a recent movie, we get a sense of deja vu. However, Urvasivo Rakshasivo goes in a different way, which is good.
Although it is a fantastic notion, Urvasivo Rakshasivo does not examine the conflict between sex and romance. We eventually discuss marriage and a live-in situation. Again, it is hardly novel, and the second hour has a tendency to be dramatic. The sentiment about mothers is decent. However, it appears to have been crammed into the story to increase the tension. It feels like a long process to make it all work. The humour also ranges from mild to outstanding. Sentiment and fun work against each other to create drag. The story, however, never flags. The pre-climax and climax, when everything is wrapped up quickly and without wasting time, show that the director also realises this.