Shruti Haasan seems to be unhappy with the way kajal aggarwal having fun recently and it is obvious as she never responded or reacted to Kajal Aggarwal's latest instagram post. Even though kajal aggarwal tagged shruti haasan to take up the challenge of the 'Mouth Yoga' routine, shruti haasan never reacted to the post and she kept a muted response.
Of course, shruti haasan has her own reasons as she lashed out at the people who currently enjoy the holidays and she called them irresponsible as the pandemic situation never ended right now. kajal aggarwal recently had her pool day and she was sharing her bikini photos and they literally burnt the entire Internet.
Similarly, kareena kapoor is on vacation to the Maldives, and mouni roy was also on a beach vacation and every one of them was sharing their photos on instagram without any pause. kajal aggarwal who completed shooting works in kolkata is also having her vacation and is sharing photos and that clearly has irked shruti haasan and she has kept a muted response and never responded to her post so far. During one of the chat sessions, shruti openly bashed everyone who enjoys holidays and vacations as the risk of Corona has just subsided but not ended.