Pakistan Tomato Price: Surgical strike of inflation on Bakrid...
In pakistan, which is surviving on foreign aid, once again food items have become expensive. Before Bakrid, the price of tomatoes in pakistan was 200 rupees per kg. In such a situation, the festival of Bakrid seems to be fading for the poor people of Pakistan. There is a trend of making mutton meat on the occasion of Bakrid, there are many such food items in which the presence of tomatoes is necessary. At present, due to the increase in the price of tomatoes, it has gone out of the reach of common people. In the month of April, tomatoes were sold for up to 500 rupees per kg on the occasion of Eid.Today, the festival of Eid-al-Azha i.e. Bakrid is being celebrated in many countries including india and Pakistan. Before Bakrid, people of the Muslim community do shopping in large quantities. Also, delicious dishes are made on the occasion of Bakrid, but in pakistan, inflation reaches its peak every time before the festival. According to the Express Tribune report, the retail price of tomato in Peshawar has exceeded 200 Pakistani rupees. The maximum price of tomato has been fixed by the district administration at Rs 100 per kg, despite this, tomato is being sold at more than double the price.Tomato was sold at Rs 500 per kg on EidAccording to local media reports, the price of tomato increased by Rs 100 per kg in one day, while the Deputy Commissioner of the district has banned taking tomatoes out of the district under Section 144. It is believed that the government instructions are limited only to government papers, inflation is at its peak on the ground. On the occasion of Eid in the month of April, the retail price of tomato in pakistan had gone up to Rs 500 per kg.Petrol and diesel prices reduced in PakistanTax reform has been done recently in pakistan, its effect has also not proved successful in stopping inflation. Abid Suleri, Executive director of Sustainable Development Policy Institute (SDPI), has given advice on reducing inflation. He said that while formulating the income tax bracket, the minimum taxable income limit should be adjusted keeping inflation in mind, this can control inflation to some extent. Let us tell you that the government of pakistan has reduced the prices of petrol and diesel before Bakrid.