Value of Rupee against the top 10 currencies..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Value of Rupee against the top 10 currencies..!?
The indian rupee traded at an all-time low of 77 rupees to 59 against the US dollar on May 12. So here is an explanation of how the rupee was valued against the top 10 currencies in the world at the same time last year.
 The indian rupee against the Canadian dollar in 2021 was 60 rupees to 62 rupees. On May 12, 2022, the indian rupee was appreciated by 59.56 rupees.
In 2021, the value of the indian rupee against the swiss franc was 80 rupees to 91 rupees. On May 12, 2022, the rupee was appreciated by 77 rupees to 90 rupees.
In May 2021, the value of the indian rupee against the Chinese yuan was 11 rupees and 39 rupees. On May 12, 2022, the indian rupee depreciated by 0.61 percent to 11 rupees 46 rupees.
The value of the indian rupee against the hong kong dollar on May 12, 2021, was 9 rupees and 47 rupees. On May 12, 2022, the indian rupee depreciated by 4.44 percent to 9 rupees 89 rupees.
On May 12, 2021, the value of the indian rupee against the new zealand dollar was 42 rupees and 69 rupees. On May 12, 2022, the indian rupee appreciated by 8.14 percent to 48 rupees 40 paise.

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