India in Metaverse: Army, Movie, Industries dive to the digital world ...?

Sindujaa D N

Indian companies are at the forefront of adding some solutions and innovations to the Metawares ecosystem.

In the next five years, the use of smartphones in india is going to reach one billion! 

India’s role in creating and using metaverse is expected to be huge.

At the kakinada Reliance Gas Plant, new employees are trained to use AR / VR technologies to create artificial environments (eg, underwater working conditions) when they need to train on the job in extreme weather conditions.

Through this, the training is being completed with low cost and low risk. 

A Chennai-based company offers technologies that can create an artificial environment.

Also, the indian Army uses a holo suit to train new soldiers in combat environments.

The man in the suit is hit when the dummy terrorist who is part of it hits the avatar. 

If the wearer of the suit catches anything in the wallet PLATFORM' target='_blank' title='digital-Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">digital world that touch is evident.

"Bali Heroes" prepares to create another bollywood world. 

NFT (in detailed articles about this) is about to launch gaming with leading celebrities, music companies, and production houses.

Hyderabad-based NextMeet strives to transform the familiar video conferencing experience into conferencing and networking events in 3D.

It remains to be seen how all of this will change our lives together in the coming years! 

More than speculations and predictions, the metaverse is likely to be a part of our lives soon.

It would be difficult for such technologies to grow without proper laws and policies. 

And in reality, how can the bonds, friendships, and experiences that we have been accustomed to change all at once in this virtual world? 

Everyone needs to think about these.

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