60+ Year Actor Wedding - The Two Sides...

Actor naresh Vijay krishna and actress lokesh -Latest Updates, Photos, Videos are a click away, CLICK NOW">pavitra lokesh have finally produced a cinematic "wedding" movie, declaring their marriage, several months after first sharing a video of them kissing. Then, several stories are being released concerning this video, which is going viral across social media. There have been lots of talk regarding wedding on social media and there are always two sides to a coin.

In truth, naresh and his estranged wife Ramya Raghupathi are currently going through a divorce, and both parties are constantly busy accusing one another of doing things to harm their reputations. In the midst of these allegations, naresh and Pavitra got married and had a cinematic wedding movie made. There are rumors that this video serves two functions. The first is that naresh and Pavitra are announcing their marriage to the world. Which one is the second?

Just in case, they will claim that this video is only a portion of a movie and not an authentic wedding clip in the event that his estranged wife files for divorce formally and claims that he was married before the separation. Although we must admit that was a creative act, the judicial system is not entirely blameless.

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