Nani Sister Fails Miserably

Meet Cute is directed by Deepthi Ghanta. It is a compilation of five short films starring various acting casts. They have various challenges and histories that they bring together. In L(ove)AW is unquestionably the best and most notable of the five. As has already noted, the casting is excellent. After that, it assists in elevating the modest times. a feature that all other shorts lack. Additionally, it somewhat dulls the sweetness.

The screenplay is interesting in that, despite being predictable, it keeps one interested in what happens. It's okay since the actors do an excellent job of raising the textual content. The dialogue between the soon-to-be mother-in-law and daughter-in-law in the middle is very well done. The awkwardness, laughter, and pauses are all timed perfectly. Fun and the message are skillfully blended to create the ideal feel-good effect. Then, at the second slot, come Meet The Boy and Old Is Gold. Here, the number is merely a formality. All of the shorts fall well short of the best. The lag in Meet The Boy is too great. Despite being brief, it seems longer because of this.

On the initial meeting, a girl is asked out for a sort of partial date with just the evening planned. To get her permission for the marriage, the boy must wow her. To convey that drama, there is more work to be done here. The crucial times to convey the emotions, however, are kept brief, and a lot of time is squandered on superfluous details like the environment, location, appearance, etc. As a result, the short lacks depth and falls short of its potential. Old Is gold has a sweetness problem. As a result, the conversations are almost contrived. The setting, the lighting, and the conversations all contribute to the mood. Couples can relate to the message, which eventually gets to the point. But it could have been executed with more substance.

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