Now old age is also becoming a market!

S Venkateshwari
Now old age is also becoming a market!

The definition of old age in india is changing rapidly. There was a time when old age meant living with your family,taking care of grandchildren, but today the situation has completely changed. Now senior citizens not only want to experience their independence, but they are also looking for an environment that can enhance their quality of life.This is the reason why the senior living market in India is developing very fast.

Amidst global trends, the number of people aged 60 years and above in india is increasing rapidly. Experts believe that in the next 25 years the population of people of this age will double compared to the present. In such a situation, it is being seen as a new economic opportunity, which can bring explosive growth not only in the real estate sector but also in the areas of health services, entertainment and social activities.

What is the senior living market?

The senior living market is a sector that specifically caters to the housing needs of people aged 60 years and above. It includes various types of residential facilities that provide seniors with a safe, comfortable and supportive environment. The purpose of this market is to give seniors the opportunity to live an active and independent lifestyle.

Types of senior living

Independent housing: These facilities are for people who can manage their lives on their own. They usually consist of apartments or condominiums, where the elderly get their independence as well as the necessary services.

Assisted housing: These facilities are for seniors who need some help in daily life, such as cooking, cleaning, or managing medicines.

Nursing homes: These are for the elderly who need more care, such as medical services or intensive care.

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