Why do miniature videos go viral?

S Venkateshwari
Everybody recalls the days when they used to get delighted whenever their parents bought a new Hot Wheels vehicle, kitchen set, or doctor's set for us. When we received our favorite toys, the excitement and delight were unmatched.
But if you've been scrolling around social media lately, you've probably seen videos of grownups collecting really little objects with the same enthusiasm. These days, you can purchase little versions of anything, including dollhouses, culinary products, and cosmetics.
Similar to several other phenomena, this one too started on TikTok in the West before spreading to India. Indians are now enamored with the adorable, Pinterest-inspired small things that make us exclaim, "OMG, that's so cute!"

‘The mini chicken biryani’

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For instance, a video from the instagram account @great_indian_asmr went popular recently and has had over 42.4 million views as of right now. In the video, the chef follows a classic method to create chicken biryani, but there's a twist: everything is tiny. Everything is so little and so cute, including the eggs and the bits of chicken.

The team of @great_indian_asmr, who is based out of Manipal, Karnataka, tells india Today that this was their second video where they have focused solely on tiny ingredients. The first video that they ever made was a miniature pani puri video.
“It [pani puri] had a great response so we wanted to make another miniature video and our chef had the idea to make biryani so that we could reach a wider audience,” they said. The @great_indian_asmr tells india Herald that indians do have a knack for miniature videos which is growing nowadays.

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