Lessons on culture, sensitivity and discipline are necessary!!!

S Venkateshwari
Lessons on culture, sensitivity and discipline are necessary!!!

Sensitivities are dying in society and humanity is also dying. From today, ensure that you start giving time to yourself and your family members. Along with giving mobile phones to children, teach them lessons on sensitivity, humanity, culture and discipline so that we can save the society from insensitivity.

Give time to your loved ones

Keep in mind that the past time cannot be brought back, yet it is very important to teach this to the child, to understand and to make him understand. Encourage them to play outdoor games.Encourage them to play a game in which there is no violence, no stubbornness to win or lose. Try to spend more time with your family members than with the mobile. Anyway, the validity of our own people is that they are here today and gone tomorrow. Hence, our children, parents, friends are with us in this world only for a certain time. Once you lose them, you will not be able to give them time even if you want to. Therefore, what is gone is gone. But live what is left, cherish it, spend time together..

These days, incidents of heinous, gruesome and barbaric acts are increasing continuously. Somewhere behind this is the dominance of the thinking of becoming a self-proclaimed superhero or establishing one's empire by spreading terror like the villains in films. Not only this, mobile games full of violence also have a very negative impact on children, which makes them depressed or violent. By teaching your children the lesson of patience along with values, empathy can be instilled in them so that they consider others as human beings and remain sensitive towards them.

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