Hyderabad: Skyrocketing Egg Rates!!

Sindujaa D N
Hyderabad: eggs have risen significantly...?

In hyderabad city, chicken eggs are becoming much more expensive. Due to supply difficulties, prices have increased significantly since the previous summer. The cost of a single egg in May has been rising daily for the past five days. Six eggs cost approximately Rs.70 on delivery platforms if they are to be delivered to a home.

The cost of eggs has increased. The scarcity of chicken eggs has increased their price. The cost of eggs has gone up considerably in the city from the previous summer. On May 4 of last year, 100 eggs cost Rs.420; on May 4 of this year, the price has jumped to Rs. 445. The price of eggs has increased, according to market analysts, because the rising temperature has killed the hens. Over the past month, there has been a progressive increase in the price of eggs. The price of eggs jumped by 70 paisas last month. For instance, on May 5, an egg that cost Rs. 4.35 on april 5 now costs Rs. 5.25.

Outside retail establishments are selling eggs for 6 to 7 rupees. On the other hand, May egg prices have peaked in the past five days.
The middle-class customers who went to the store to buy eggs were shocked by the price hike that occurred suddenly. Individuals who used to eat eggs every day reported that they now had to eat them twice a week. To boost immunity, humans have included eggs in their diets since the time of Corona.

It is now said that something is missing if it is absent. Conversely, vendors lament that the rising cost of chicken eggs is making business difficult for them.

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