Men With Fake IDs have S*xual Disorders

The world of data-facebook is interesting, and it has helped a lot of people find lost friends and make new ones. It is, nevertheless, a forum where social psychopaths continue to satisfy their cravings in an unusual way. This is the case for a select group of men and women. The men, it appears, create phoney IDs with photographs of girls or middle-aged women as their display photo and begin poking other men. Many people believe they do it for fun. However, this is usually a psychological problem.
Men with poor self-esteem and who have never received any form of particular attention from the public often seek comfort in the garb of the opposite sex. Typically, they are isolated and lonely individuals who are able to satisfy their sexual urges through simple discussions in a private chat room.
"These males are well aware that they are in possession of a forged identification card. But they still enjoy the attention from hundreds of men around. They spend several hours each day interacting with their followers. Depending on the type of followers, they act typically bashful or unconventionally assertive. They get a kick out of controlling other people's senses. To avoid being caught, they never engage in telephonic or video chat conversations, preferring instead to maintain their relationship solely through text messaging, which they abruptly end when they become bored ", according to ashok Raghavan, a psychiatrist who has worked with people who have this personality disorder.

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