Karnataka's Call to boycott halal products!!
In the state of karnataka, the hijab problem is now at rest and the next problem is intervening. That is, some organizations have begun to demand that none of the Hindus eat meat made halal. The next step is to boycott halal pharmaceutical companies. What is the background to this controversy?
There have been a series of religious incidents in the state of karnataka during the last fortnight. First, the high court ruled on the issue of wearing the hijab. Following this, the problem arose of banning Islamists from setting up shops at Hindu temple festivals. Now the issue has arisen of the need to boycott items including halal-made meat.
The issue, which was taken up by the Hindu Jana Jagruti Samiti, is currently being taken up by various Hindu organizations. They have been distributing pamphlets on the subject in various parts of the state. They are demanding the removal of halal nameplates in Hindu-run shops.