If phone's battery runs out quickly, then follow these

If phone's battery runs out quickly, then follow these!!?

You can extend the life of your phone's battery by adopting some simple methods. For this, you just have to bring some things into practice.

 Does your phone's battery drain quickly and you are worried about charging the phone again and again? In these situations, you can increase the life of your phone's battery by adopting some easy methods. For this, you just have to bring some things into practice.

Vibrate mode
Let us tell you that vibration consumes more battery power than the ring tone.  This consumes more battery of the phone. That is, if you remove the vibration mode from the phone, then the phone's battery can last longer.

Keep location service off.
Location services are helpful for apps like google Maps, but they can quickly drain the GPS ping battery. To avoid this, go to Settings and turn off Location services completely within Privacy.
Doing so will cause your phone to stop feeding location data to these services.
Keep low power mode enabled
The low power mode is the most effective way to avoid battery drain. When it is enabled, your phone does only essential work.
That is, during this background activities like download and mail fetch are disabled and your battery is also spent less.
Black wallpaper
You will be surprised to know that black wallpaper can save the battery life of your smartphone.  This is because the pixels in an AMOLED display show only bright colors, and this consumes battery.
Auto-update offIt's a good idea to keep apps and operating systems up to date. Your device also has a special feature that supports automatic app updates i.e. when an app update comes, your phone will install it in the background so that you are always up to date.

However, this process can drain the battery. To avoid this, go to Settings, then go to the App Store and turn off app updates.

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