The danger of beating the children ... Research study warns!!!

S Venkateshwari
The danger of beating the children ... Research study warns!!!

The future of the child depends on how you raise the child. A recent study found that 'violent thinking develops in children who are being beaten up. The study also found that children who are beaten up are more likely to be psychologically vulnerable, with more violent traits in the future. Babies raised in this beat will have some changes in the brain. Suicidal ideation occurs after growing up. It has been revealed that rude qualities grow together. It was also revealed that some children raised in this way are easily addicted to drugs.


The future of every child is in the hands of their parents. The future of the child depends on how you raise the child. Our ancestors were the ones who raised children abnormally despite having ten children. But now many find it difficult to raise a child. There have also been incidents of some children stabbing their teacher with malpractice.

In addition, some studies have shown that children who are verbally abused by bold words without being beaten are more likely to develop depressed behavior. In addition, boys are more likely to be beaten than girls and economically disadvantaged, uneducated parents inflict such punishments on their children. Therefore, it was found that the learning ability of children is declining. 

If children are to be corrected, they must not only be careful in giving punishment for mistakes. If you do something good you should appreciate it. But, it should not be rhetorical either. To be kept active. So it will be imprinted on the mind. home is not just a place to live, it is also the first academy where children learn. Children learn good and bad things from adults like parents, grandparents. Hence, parents require to set a sound example for their kids. In particular, if you have bad habits such as smoking and drinking, at least the parents should avoid doing such activities in front of the child. We should be role models for them. 

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