Demand for freedom in temple control earlier...

S Venkateshwari
Demand for freedom in temple control earlier...

The history of government control over temples in india goes back to the british era. This demand continued even after independence and the government continued to control temples by making a law. If we talk about tamil Nadu, even today about 45 thousand temples are being run under government control in this state under the Hindu Religious and Charitable Endowments Act (HR&CE Act), 1959. These temples also include 17 Jain temples.

However, from saints to social-religious organizations have been raising their voices regarding freedom of control. Under the decades-old Mandir Mukti Abhiyan, work is being done on a social level. From vishwa Hindu Parishad to many organizations of saints are taking this movement forward.

Control over temples is unfair: Supreme Court

The supreme court has also held the government occupation of Hindu temples unfair many times. In 2019, the then judge Justice SA Bobde had said in the puri jagannath temple case, 'I do not understand why government officials should run the temple?' During this comment, the judge also gave the example of tamil Nadu, where many incidents of theft of precious idols have been taking place during government control.

At that time, Justice Bobde had also clearly said that the reason for such situations is that devotees do not have the right to run their temples. Even before 2019, in 2014, the sc had ordered to free the famous Nataraja temple of tamil Nadu from government control.

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