South Korea's history with dog meat consumption...
In south korea, eating dog flesh is a centuries-old custom. The trading of dog meat has been outlawed by the government due to growing resistance to this custom. However, the general public will still be permitted to eat dog meat if they so choose. south korea has made history by passing a law outlawing the sale of dog meat. This makes it illegal to kill a dog for food and then sell the meat. The National Assembly, the South Korean Parliament, enacted this law.South Korea has been eating dog meat for decades. According to a BBC article, cows were highly valued in this area in the past. They were so valuable that cutting them required obtaining permission from the government until the end of the 19th century. The source of this knowledge is Dr. Ju Young-ha, an anthropology professor at a Korean institution.As a result, residents of Korea felt the need for an additional protein source. Dog meat eventually emerged as one of their finest options. While some chose not to eat it, people from all social groups began to do so. With time, dog meat began to be used in a wide variety of delectable recipes. like Bosintang, a soup made with dog meat.Dog meat, according to South Koreans, is easy to digest and gives you more energy in the summer. The South Korean government will, however, immediately forbid its trading. This implies that selling or killing dogs will be prohibited going forward. Nonetheless, the government had outlawed the sale of dog meat as early as the 1960s. later eliminated in the 1980s.