How to get the perfect HOT BODY and SHAPE like Jessica Alba ?


Jessica Alba is 35 years old and still she looks like one red hot chick. She has the habit of topping up Maxim's Hot 100 and The 99 most desirable women. So how she maintains her feminine figure ? We got to know the secrets from her fitness trainer Ramona Braganza.

Braganza works with Alba as well as a host of others of Hollywood hot bodies like Anne Hathaway and Halle Berry. She said, "Being fit is not just rocket science. Anyone can do it. Time Management and key is the motivation.  If you can’t train for an hour and burn 500 calories then train for half an hour and eat 250 calories less.

Ramona Braganza

At the end of the day, it’s just calories in vs. calories burned. I have created 321 training method and that is arranged to keep the heart rate higher and calories burning and muscles building.

If you don't feel the intensity then you’re not pushing yourself. If you’re on your own, use a heart rate monitor to make sure you're training in the zone. Whenever you get time, do some squats, kicks nad lunges. The glutes are a large muscle and they become inactive in our lifestyle."

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