Walking vs jogging: Which is better for weight loss?

Sowmiya Sriram
Walking vs jogging: Which is better for weight loss?
Both walking and jogging are great ways to lose weight. But do you know what is best for weight loss? When someone asks which is the most natural way to lose weight, the answer is walking or jogging. But which of the two is healthier, walking or jogging? Did you know that? You can see this in detail in this post. The debate between walking and jogging for weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight is a common one. Both activities offer distinct advantages. But it is very important to understand that weight loss is very stable. Walking is a low-risk gentle exercise. It is often less prone to injuries, making it a better choice for many. It's a low-impact activity, so it's easy to incorporate walking.
Walking is a simple option for those new to exercise or those with joint problems. Walking at a moderate pace burns a significant number of calories. For example, a 30-minute brisk walk can burn 150-200 calories, depending on factors such as speed and body weight. By avoiding some common mistakes while walking, you can reap the most benefits. First, walk upright and straight. Crouching can cause back and neck strain over time. Avoid walking around looking at your phone. It is important to wear a suitable shoe that provides proper support and cushioning. Ill-fitting shoes can cause blisters or joint pain.
Be aware of your surroundings. Avoid walking on slippery or uneven ground, especially in bad weather conditions. Keep a steady, controlled pace while walking. Additionally, avoid walking too close to curbs or the edge of roads. Be aware of traffic if walking near streets. By paying attention to these aspects, you can reduce the risk of injury and make your walking experience more enjoyable and productive.

Jogging is relatively high intensity which leads to faster burning of calories and faster weight loss. Leads to faster calorie burning and faster weight loss. When you jog, your body works harder. It increases your heart rate and metabolism. This higher intensity means jogging can burn more calories in less time than walking. For example, a 30-minute jog can burn 300-400 calories, more than a comparable walk.
Not only are calories burned when exercising for weight loss, but consistency is also important. Here, walking is a significant advantage. Its low impact means it's easier on your body, and jogging can cause many problems, including joint pain, which is very common. Constant jogging can cause cramps. Although jogging is beneficial, it can lead to excessive fatigue for those with health problems and is more prone to injuries if proper form and technique are not maintained. This can hinder long-term weight loss efforts. Another important aspect to consider is how each activity fits into your lifestyle.
But at the same time, walking can be easily integrated into daily activities. You can walk to work, take the stairs, or go for a walk with friends or family. This makes it easy to stay active without having to set aside a specific time for exercise. Jogging, on the other hand, may require more planning and preparation. This often requires specific footwear and a safe, appropriate location, which may not always be accessible or convenient. Some people feel that the physical exertion of jogging requires a lot of dedicated time, which is difficult to fit into a busy schedule.
Both walking and jogging contribute to overall cardiovascular health, improve mood, and support mental health. The choice between the two should depend on what is sustainable for you in the long run. If you enjoy the brisk pace and can manage the high intensity of jogging, it can be a very efficient choice for weight loss.

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