Coffee or Tea..!? Better to drink in the morning..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Coffee or Tea..!? Better to drink in the morning..!?
Both coffee and tea have their benefits, but this post takes a closer look at which one is better in the morning. Most people start their day with coffee or tea. Drinking coffee and tea provides refreshment to the body as well as other benefits. But both coffee and tea are beneficial only when consumed in moderation. Some studies suggest that the caffeine in both coffee and tea can improve energy and focus, and reduce the risk of depression, Parkinson's disease, heart disease, and some cancers. However, consuming too much caffeine can make you feel restless, nervous, or jittery. For some people, drinking caffeinated drinks late in the day can cause insomnia. Well, is it good to drink coffee when you wake up in the morning? Or is it better to drink tea? Many people have this question. Let's look at this in detail.
Coffee's high caffeine content may give you a quick burst of energy, but tea contains a chemical called L-theanine, which combines with caffeine to help you stay mentally alert for longer. This means that drinking coffee gives the body instant energy. But drinking tea provides a slower and more sustained energy boost. antioxidants help reduce inflammation and prevent cell damage caused by free radicals in the body. coffee and tea contain different types of antioxidants, but both are particularly rich in polyphenols. So both coffee and tea contain compounds that contribute positively to your health. coffee also has health benefits. Studies have found that drinking coffee daily can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and neurological, metabolic, and liver problems. It has also been found to reduce the risk of leukemia, prostate, endometrial, and skin cancers. While coffee is great for many things, including reducing the risk of cancer and diabetes, tea, on the other hand, works well in managing blood pressure, stress levels, and mental health. However, nutritionists suggest that drinking tea in the morning is healthier than coffee.
While both coffee and tea offer health benefits, tea is considered a better choice for morning drinks as compared to coffee. If you're wondering what gives you more energy, coffee or tea, the answer is coffee. Caffeine certainly gives you energy, but it can be harmful if not taken in moderation. The caffeine content of tea is less than coffee, so drinking tea helps your body in the best possible way. Tea generally has less caffeine than coffee. While caffeine provides an initial energy boost, high doses can cause jitteriness, and anxiety and disrupt sleep patterns. Tea provides a mild caffeine intake, reducing the risk of these side effects, experts suggest. We all feel a bit lazy when we wake up in the morning. So when you drink coffee in the morning it provides instant energy, but at the same time, “Tea contains an amino acid called L-theanine, which has a calming effect and balances the stimulating effects of caffeine.
Dehydration is a chronic problem if coffee is not consumed properly. This is especially severe in winter when our fluid consumption drops during the peak winter months. coffee is a diuretic, meaning it can increase urine production and lead to possible dehydration. On the other hand, tea contributes to hydration because it is primarily water. Staying hydrated in the morning is important for overall well-being.
Tea, especially green tea, is rich in antioxidants, making it one of the best health drinks to support the immune system and protect cells from damage. While coffee does contain antioxidants, Kaul says the types and amounts can vary. When it comes to acidity and the coffee vs tea debate, coffee tends to be more acidic than tea, which can cause stomach discomfort for some people. The tea is gentle on the stomach, making it a great option for those with acid sensitivity or digestive issues. Ultimately, the choice between coffee and tea in the morning comes down to personal preference, caffeine tolerance, and health. It is important to note that whether coffee or tea is taken in moderation, it is good for health.

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