Excess sweating can also cause heart attack

Excess sweating can also cause heart attack

keep an eye on these symptoms

Heart Attack risk in summer: Before a heart attack, some symptoms start appearing in the body. If suddenly you start sweating a lot and feel dizzy, do not take it lightly.

Risk of heart attack due to excessive sweating

Sweating in summer is common, but excessive sweating is also dangerous. If you think that sweating only causes water loss and by drinking it you will get hydrated again, then this is not necessary. There is also a risk of many life-threatening diseases after sweating. Apart from heat stroke, it is also a sign of heart attack.

So if you are sweating a lot in summer, then it is also a sign of heart attack. singer KK also died of a heart attack due to extreme heat, electrolyte loss. Therefore, if you see these 6 signs in addition to sweating in the summer, take it seriously and contact the doctor.

The body sends many signals before a heart attack. Any patient suffers a heart attack when the flow of blood to the heart is very low or blocked. Blood blockage in the heart is usually caused by the accumulation of fat, cholesterol and other substances in the heart arteries.

Signs and symptoms of heart attack

Many people sweat a lot, even when they are not exercising, exercising, or doing any work that involves any activity. If you see symptoms like sweating, restlessness, panic, be alert. Because the blood supply to the heart is not being done properly. So such symptoms appear. So do not ignore sweating. If you sweat excessively or excessively, contact your doctor.

Difficulty breathing

Many people experience difficulty breathing before a heart attack. Do not ignore the symptoms of chest tightness, weakness and discomfort. If you feel a belt around the chest or feel a weight on the chest, contact the doctor immediately. If the heart does not get proper blood supply, it becomes difficult to breathe.

Vomiting and dizziness

Although dizziness or blurred vision seem to be symptoms of sunburn, do not ignore them. Because this symptom occurs before a heart attack. These symptoms can also lower your blood pressure. Not only this, this problem is felt even when the heart does not get proper blood supply. So do not ignore these symptoms at all.

Neck and jaw pain

This problem is often felt most common in women. Symptoms like neck pain or jaw pain can also be related to heart attack. It is often ignored but it is not that common. Therefore, if you notice any change in your body, you should immediately go to the doctor.

Swelling in the feet

If there is swelling in the feet and soles, then there is a high risk of heart attack. Because if the heart is not supplied with blood properly, then the whole body starts feeling lack of blood. In such a situation, problems like swelling in the feet or swelling in the soles are felt. Therefore, if there is pain in the feet and the feet swell, then first contact the doctor.

Increased heart rate

Heart palpitations and fatigue often occur for no apparent reason. In such a situation, do not ignore these symptoms. Take care of the body and health and contact the doctor immediately. Because this is an important symptom of a heart attack, which should not be ignored.

Changes in the body 2 days before the attack

A heart attack occurs when the arteries that send blood and oxygen to the heart become blocked. Over time, fatty, cholesterol-rich deposits accumulate in the arteries. This causes plaque to accumulate in the arteries of the heart. In such cases, the plaque ruptures, causing a blood clot, which can lead to a heart attack. To prevent death from a heart attack, we should pay attention to its symptoms. Your body can send many signals a few days before a heart attack.

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