Do not drink in this situation otherwise, problems may increase !!!


When should you not drink coffee? Do not drink in this situation otherwise, problems may increase.

Some people like to drink coffee more than tea. These people should not drink coffee even by mistake because it can prove to be harmful to their health.

Many people like to drink coffee more than tea 

But let us tell you that coffee can also prove harmful after some time. However, caffeine found in coffee is a compound that helps a lot in alerting the mind. It is very good for brain health. It also corrects the level of dopamine in the body. But it is said that not everything is good for everyone. For example, if coffee is good for one person, it doesn't need to be beneficial for others. Let us know through this article for whom coffee is good and who should stay away from it. 

Anxiety disorder patients 

A patient suffering from anxiety disorder should drink coffee in small quantities. Because this can spoil their health. Drinking too much coffee can cause restlessness, which increases the risk of panic attacks. This can also increase stress. There is a risk of anxiety due to this. 


In the case of osteoporosis, the risk of bone fracture increases. Drinking coffee hurts the bones. This can disturb your healing process a lot. According to a report published in Osteoporosis international in 2022, drinking too much coffee can cause hip fractures. Drinking excess coffee increases the risk of fractures. 

High blood pressure patients

A patient with high bp should never drink coffee even by mistake. It is fine for low bp people but high bp people should stay away from coffee. This can affect your sleep a lot. There is also a risk of insomnia due to this. It is not right for a patient suffering from sleeplessness and high blood pressure to drink coffee for heart health. 


It is not good to drink too much tea and coffee during pregnancy. Up to 200 mg of caffeine is okay but not more than that. Drinking too much tea and coffee during pregnancy can increase your BP. Additionally, the child's weight may also decrease.

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