Do you have digestive problems? Here are super tips..!

Sowmiya Sriram
Do you have digestive problems? Here are super tips..!
How to improve digestion: Problems related to digestion are very common. Everyone struggles with different types of digestive issues. There can be many reasons behind digestive problems. This includes everything from junk food intake, poor lifestyle, and lack of exercise. Many health-related problems are also linked to digestive problems. There are many natural ways to get rid of this problem. ayurveda offers many ways to cure digestion. They are very easy to try. In this post, you will find out how to improve digestion.
What to do for healthy digestion?
1. It is better to avoid cold things:
Everyone loves to drink cold water in summer. But our stomach likes hot things more. So stay away from cold drinks, cold water, and cold food. Warm or hot food and drinks take less time to digest. It also improves digestive health.
2. Breath Deeply:
Take 5 deep breaths before eating. This will help activate your parasympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system is the digestive system and the brain's process of digestion and relaxation. Thus, our brain works properly before eating and digestion.
3. More physical activity is essential:
If your physical activity is low, you may have digestive problems. Walking 100 to 200 steps daily is also very good for digestion. This is called Shatpavali. Apart from this, make it a habit to exercise daily. It improves your appetite and improves digestion.

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