Remedies for Cold and Cough during Winter Season


ginger Tea


It helps by drying up a running and dripping nose and expels phlegm from the respiratory tract. Also ginger is known to soothe a common cold to make it bearable and perhaps even speed up the recovery process. Have morning once and afternoon and when cold persisted continue before going to bed. Add more ginger in whatever dish you eat and ginger tea is amazingly good for cold and cough.


Milk and Turmeric


Besides ginger tea or masala chai, warm milk and turmeric mixture is a popular and effective way to fight a cough. This mixture is applicable for children and adults too. turmeric and milk are also healthy ingredients needed for healthy living. turmeric is used as an antiseptic agent, so have during cold with milk. Hot milk is an excellent drink to get rid of cold and cough and it relieves cold fastly.




Drink Luke warm water to fight a common cold, cough and sore throat. Drinking warm water reduces the inflammation in the throat. Plus, water helps replenish the fluids in the body and washes out the infection.


Special spices tea


Add Tulsi, ginger and black pepper while preparing your tea. These three ingredients play an important role in fighting a common cold and cough. Have it hot to get quick relief from cold.

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