Be careful when these symptoms show up....

S Venkateshwari
Be careful when these symptoms show up....

With the change of season, the temperature of the body also changes. Fever, cold, and diarrhea, are common in the rainy season, but if the fever becomes more or more frequent, then it indicates typhoid. In the rainy season, the risk of spreading many types of infections and diseases increases. In such a situation, if you see some such symptoms in your body, then be careful and treat them immediately.  Let's know some symptoms of typhoid:

Typhoid is caused by bacteria. Typhoid can be caused by eating contaminated food and drinking contaminated water. To prevent this, it is necessary to take care of the cleanliness of food and water. 

High fever

High and persistent fever is the first and foremost symptom of typhoid. Along with fever, chills and sudden increase in body temperature are its symptoms. If the fever lasts for more than 4 days, then you are likely to have typhoid. 

Loss of appetiteIf you do not feel hungry along with a fever, then you may have a problem of typhoid. The bacteria in typhoid can have a bad effect on the metabolism of our body, as a result of which we do not feel hungry. 


Headache is also one of the symptoms of typhoid. If you are having severe headaches along with fever, then understand that you have a problem with typhoid. 

Red rash on the body

If red marks are visible in the body or any spot or any rash is seen, then be careful.

Include these things in food:

Drink plenty of water

Although in typhoid, one does not feel like eating or drinking anything, to get well soon, drink as much water as possible. Drink more water, take fruit juice, and vegetable juice, you can drink herbal tea, etc.

Tulsi leaves are an effective treatment

Consumption of basil leaves gives quick relief from typhoid fever and gives relief in joint pain. Taking basil leaf tea, whether it's water or taking it with honey provides great relief. 


Anti-oxidants are found in abundance in garlic. It helps in flushing out toxins, it can be eaten raw or lightly roasted.

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