You can happily buy so much gold in Dubai..!? No tax..!?

Sowmiya Sriram
You can happily buy so much gold in Dubai..!? No tax..!?
gold prices in dubai are cheaper compared to India. So indians who can go to dubai buy gold from there. But because the price of gold in dubai is low, we cannot buy as much gold as we thought. Because it will have to pay customs duty when it is brought to India. That way we can know in detail how much gold indians can bring from dubai without paying any duty. Buyers of gold in dubai must have proper documents. This means that the receipt of the purchase of gold, certificates of quality, and purity of gold must be kept. This applies to all gold jewelry, gold bars, and coins.
As far as gold coins are concerned, a 10% customs duty is payable when the total weight of gold coins that can be purchased from dubai is between 20 grams and 100 grams. Perhaps if you are bringing gold coins less than 20 grams then there is no duty to pay. If a person brings between 40 and 100 grams of gold, he has to pay a 3% customs duty. Perhaps if the weight of the gold is between 100 to 200 grams then 6% customs duty is payable. If you bring more than 200 grams of gold in the name of the child, you have to pay a 10% customs duty. Children below 15 years of age can bring gold jewelry weighing less than 40 grams duty-free.
A woman coming to india from dubai has to pay a 3% customs duty on gold between 40 and 100 grams and a 6% duty on gold between 100 and 200 grams. If you buy more than 200 grams of gold, you have to pay a 10% tax. A woman does not have to pay any tax on the gold she brings up to 40 grams. This gold can be brought as jewelry bars or coins. A male has to pay a 3% tax on 20 to 50 grams of gold and a 6% tax on 50 to 100 grams of gold. If you buy more than 100 grams of gold, you have to pay a 10% tax, and men who bring less than 20 grams of gold do not have any customs duty. Usually gold up to the duty-free measurement is deducted and only the remaining gold is taxable.

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