Can dreams predict the future? Surprising truth..!
Precognitive Dreams: Are you aware of future dangers in your dreams in advance? One night, you will have a good deep sleep. Then all of a sudden, bad dreams come as if falling from somewhere and someone strangling the neck. These are always related to our subconscious mind. But, some dreams are not like that and may even be related to our future. Moreover, some good dreams are quickly forgotten. The dreams that you try to forget will remain in your mind. Well, can dreams predict future events? Let's buy it.
Warning dreams:
When asked if dreams have the ability to predict our future, famous researchers have provided some evidence to prove it. However, the discussions are still going on. There are some cases that differ from this. For example, former US President Abraham Lincoln had a dream that he was dying days before his death. In that dream, everyone was crying around a dead body and everyone was talking about someone having killed the president. Abraham Lincoln told a friend that this dream terrified him. A few days after this dream, Lincoln was shot and killed by someone. Whether this happened by chance or this dream forewarned him of his death is yet to be ascertained.
Some amazing facts have been discovered in research conducted on dreams. In that study, the dreams we have are said to be related to our memories. In some studies, it is said that bad dreams that we have can prepare us to data-face some of the many troubles that we will actually data-face in our lives.
Do dreams shape the future?
Things that will happen in the future are called Precognitive Dreaming. This will give us a kind of warning. It has to do with our memory. For example, if you dream that you are facing an exam and you are struggling with a lot of questions in it, it means that you have not studied a subject required for the exam in real life. Knowing that it is important, you have left that part unread. Then you will think about what to do if that question comes in the exam. It is the manifestation of this that comes to us in our sleep as dreams that represent the future.
What causes dreams about the future?
Some people transform their normal dreams into dreams that suit them. They try to turn even vague dreams into dreams that are suitable for them, and by that, they try to cultivate the future.
Supernatural Beliefs:
People who believe in ghosts, ghosts, devils, witchcraft, and other types of occultism have such pre-cognitive dreams. people who believe in the supernatural tend to be a little removed from things that exist in the real world. This is why they have so many such dreams.
May be accidental...
For some people, after having a dream, it may be a coincidence that it happens in real life.