A Boy collected Coins from his Dad's Demolished Shop

frame A Boy collected Coins from his Dad's Demolished Shop

A photo of a youngster gathering cash from the wreckage of his father's shop in Delhi's Jahangirpuri neighbourhood, which was supposedly smashed during the riots, has struck everyone's heart. A child is nervously gathering pennies scattered among the wreckage of a collapsed business in the capital delhi today, without being observed by the people around him or the cameras of the media. Asif is the name of the young man, and the demolished shop was Asif's father's juice shop. Asif's home and father's business were located in the Jahangirpuri neighbourhood of north-west Delhi. On wednesday morning, Asif's house and father's shop were razed in a bulldozer demolition of occupied properties in the area.

Last Saturday, rioting broke out between two parts of the Hanuman Jayanti parade in Delhi's Jahangirpuri neighbourhood. Several people were hurt, including police officers. amit shah, the home Minister, has ordered the delhi police to take strong action against individuals who are involved for the disturbances.
Following this, on wednesday morning, the occupied buildings in Jahangirpuri's riot-hit area were bulldozed and flattened to the ground. A lawsuit was filed in the supreme court to stop the occupants from being evicted. Bulldozers were employed to demolish the dwellings of one party in areas of religious conflict in Uttar Pradesh and Madhya Pradesh, according to the petitioners, and an order should be made to stop this immediately.

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