Countries that impose the death penalty by firing!?

Sowmiya Sriram
Countries that impose the death penalty by firing!?
 Regular prison terms aside for a moment... the death penalty is definitely something special. But there are various methods for this too. Punishments are different in every country of the world. Different countries have different punishments for the same crime. Regular prison terms aside for a moment... the death penalty is definitely something special. But there are various methods for this too. Among them are countries that impose the death penalty by beheading! Yes... Although the provision of the death penalty for serious crimes like murder, rape, and indecent violence is in force in many countries...
there are many contradictions in the implementation of the death penalty. capital punishment in india is usually by hanging. When this punishment is imposed, the convict is kept in prison without being exposed to the outside world. According to the United Nations reports, 170 countries are abolishing the death penalty... but not implementing it in the meantime. At the same time in 2022, it is known that at least 21 countries have implemented the death penalty. In this, about 600 death sentences were implemented in Iran, while reports say that the least 1 death sentence was implemented in Japan!
At the same time, according to reports, 58 countries in the world carry out the death penalty by hanging, while in about 73 countries, the death penalty is carried out by firing a gun. At the same time, six countries including afghanistan and sudan carry out the death penalty by stoning. It is said that in countries like Yemen, Bahrain, Chile, Thailand, Indonesia, and Armenia, the death penalty will be imposed by shooting. In the same order... China, the philippines including five countries of the world execute the death penalty by poison injection. The death penalty by beheading is still imposed in three countries. However,... international law clearly prohibits the execution of children under 18 years of age at the time of the crime, young people, pregnant women, and people suffering from mental illness. However, some countries such as libya are accused of carrying out extrajudicial executions. Three of the five People's Republics continue to use the death penalty. They are Bangladesh, China, and North Korea... among the developed countries, four countries continue to carry out the death penalty. They are... Japan, Singapore, Taiwan, United States.

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