Shraddha Murder: Aftab to undergo Polygraphic test...

S Venkateshwari
Shraddha Murder: Aftab to undergo Polygraphic test...

Due to a fight with live-in partner Shraddha Walker, Aftab killed her and cut her body into 35 pieces. Aftab Amin Poonawalla's narco test was to be done today but could not be done. Meanwhile, the police have now said that before conducting Aftab's narco test, permission will be sought from the court to conduct a polygraph test. Regarding the delay in Aftaba's narco test, FSL Assistant director Puneet puri has said that the accused is interrogated through a narco test. 

Narco test takes about 3 to 4 hours. This investigation is meant to give leads to the police. At the same time, FSL Assistant director SK Gupta said that there will be a medical test and polygraph before the narco test. Right now permission will be sought from the court for the polygraph test and only when the court gives the green signal for the polygraph, the process of the narco test will proceed further. 

Court has given approval for narco test 

Actually, to help in the investigation and to find out the truth and falsehood of Aftab, the delhi police had sought permission for the narco test. Saket court had given permission to do this test within 5 days. For this test, the court has given the responsibility to rohini Forensic Science Lab. Aftab's narco test will be done in this lab only. However, now the police say that before the narco test it is necessary that a polygraph test be done. 

Why is a narco test necessary? 

Talking about the narco test, forensic expert Dr Rajneesh said that the narco test is the way to bring out the truth. According to the information, the accused speaks correctly in the narco test, which makes it easier for the police to investigate and also helps in gathering evidence. The biggest challenge before the delhi police, in this case, is that this case happened 6 months ago. In such a situation, the full focus of the delhi police, including the forensic officers, is to gather evidence as soon as possible because the evidence will be needed to prove Aftab's crime in court.

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