India is moving towards electronic cars!!!

S Venkateshwari
India is moving towards electronic cars!!!

Fuel is very important for vehicles in today's time. Without fuel, a vehicle cannot move even four steps. At present, diesel-petrol is very much needed for vehicles. vehicles run on cng along with diesel-petrol. But now the whole world is trying to make another alternative arrangement for this. Along with the world, india is also moving towards electronic vehicles. Recently a figure has come out that Bengaluru is the leading city in india in electric car registration. Bengaluru is also called Silicon City.

According to a report, 87,927 electric cars were registered in india in 2023. In this way, Bengaluru has left behind many cities of India in terms of electric cars. 8,690 electric cars have been registered in Bengaluru. While Delhi registers 8,211, hyderabad 6,408, mumbai - 5,425 and pune 3,991 vehicles as electric cars. In 2023, Bengaluru has overtaken mumbai, delhi and pune to become India's leading city in terms of electric car registration. Not only electric cars but also electric two-wheelers are becoming popular in Bengaluru. Such steps are being taken from all over India.

India is moving towards development

This rapidly growing trend towards electronic vehicles in india is indeed a great step. This development is also an important step towards technological advancement, environmental friendliness and improvements in traffic safety. The use of electric vehicles is a positive change towards pollution-free traffic. These vehicles have battery-based induced motors instead of internal combustion engines, which reduces air pollution and also reduces the content of virion. This can soon improve the air of our cities, which will benefit the health of the public.

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