Michael quits job to join 3.5 crore job in Netflix why?!!

The young man left the job of 3.5 crore package in Netflix, you will also be surprised to know the reason
Lin's family members were also troubled by his decision. They thought lynn had gone mad. Lynn's mentor had also questioned her decision. Everyone believed that leaving the job without getting another job is not right.Who does not want a package of crores, a car, a house, and a vacation of their choice? If all these are found, then the life of a person can be cut off peacefully. However, many times such cases keep coming to the fore, where even these things are not able to give comfort to the person. One such case has come to light from America. Here Michael lynn was working as a software engineer in the Netflix company. Now he has left this job. Lin has taken everyone by surprise by dropping crores of packages and amenities in one fell swoop.
Michael Lin shared the information on LinkedIn after quitting his job. Lin told that when he joined Netflix he thought he would work here for the rest of his life. He had no problem with the company. He told that the company was giving him all kinds of food, unlimited holidays, and a package of $ 450,000 (about Rs 35 crore annually). When Lin quit, everyone was shocked.
Lin's family members were also troubled by his decision. They thought lynn had gone mad. Lynn's mentor had also questioned her decision. Everyone believed that leaving the job without getting another job is not right. However, despite this, Lin quit the job.
Lin told in his post that this decision was not easy for him too. He got to learn a lot while working at Netflix. However, after the Corona period, everything started boring them. There was no longer any socialization or co-working with the benefits to be had in the company. Apart from this, he tried to become a product manager in the company.

However, he could not succeed in this endeavor. Lin told that engineering is a show-work for him. He spent two years networking at Netflix and during this time applied for product manager positions at several other companies. However, he could not find anything anywhere. Lin told her that her high salary was increasingly looking like a bad deal.

Everyone would have thought that Lin would have regretted leaving this job. However, it is not so. They don't care about this. Lin met with creators, writers, and entrepreneurs for months after leaving the job. lynn is about to start her own business. They feel that this would be more appropriate for them.

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