Hand over Hafiz Saeed and Dawood Ibrahim to India - Public Outrage In Pakistan
Suhaib Chaudhary, a Pakistani YouTuber, discussed the experience with several people. "India and pakistan have been at odds over figures like hafiz saeed and dawood ibrahim for a long time," said Dilshad, one of them. It's difficult to comprehend why pakistan still provides sanctuary to such people. Hafiz Saeed and Dawood should be turned up to india if he has survived this attack, as they are both accountable for crimes against that nation.
Several Pakistanis voiced their annoyance to Suhaib on allegations that the attack on hafiz saeed was orchestrated by raw and India. They questioned why people like dawood ibrahim and hafiz saeed should even be of concern to Pakistan. "If they are responsible for taking innocent lives in another country, they should be punished," they stated.
Justice should be done because Saeed and Dawood are both charged with planning bombings. Since nothing is gained by antagonism, they urged pakistan to realize that preserving positive relations with its neighbors is more advantageous than cultivating enmity.
While india has made great strides, pakistan has fallen behind, according to many Pakistanis. "India is engaging with the world on technology and science, while we remain focused on seeking financial aid from other countries," a single individual stated. They chastised the Pakistani government for failing to pursue self-reliance and instead relying on aid from the U.S., Saudi Arabia, and the IMF.
Pakistan should mend global relations
On a number of problems, the people also noted that Pakistan's relations are tense not only with india but also with Afghanistan, Iran, and even China. India, on the other hand, has maintained its trading contacts with china while forging close diplomatic ties with superpowers such as the United States, Israel, Russia, and France. They underlined that pakistan must take a cue from India's strategy and concentrate on enhancing its reputation internationally.