If the shopkeeper sell you goods for more than MRP, then complain here
You can file a complaint here and learn the procedure if you believe that the amount you are being charged exceeds MRP.
How to respond if the price exceeds MRP
You should not disregard a retailer who charges you more than MRP if you have ever encountered such a situation. According to indian law, this is a punishable offense.
National Consumer Helpline: To file a complaint against retailers who overcharge you for goods, you can phone the helpline number established by the National Consumer Forum.
Online complaint submission: You can submit your complaint at ConsumerHelpline.Gov.In, the official consumer helpline website.
Visit the website and sign up.
After signing up, log in using your email ID or registration number and password.
Provide supporting documents: While filing your complaint, you will need to upload supporting documents like a copy of the bill or product label to make your case stronger.