Indian Rupee falls record low in Modi Government..!?
Wherever elections are held in India, the bjp is winning. No one is being shown as the Chief Ministerial candidate in any state. Everything is being campaigned in the name of narendra Modi. The election results show that the opposition is under the illusion that narendra Modi's charisma has decreased. Under Modi's leadership, the bjp is winning one state after another and turning the country into a saffron India. Everyone is coming to the conclusion that the BJP's victory is certain. Competitions are becoming a mere name. victory is becoming a norm for the BJP.
Meanwhile, on february 10, the rupee fell by 45 paise against the US dollar in early trade to a record high of 87.95, the strength of the American currency in the foreign market showed a negative trend in domestic equities. The rupee is depreciating to the maximum. With that, it is turning into a worthless rupee. They say that all this indicates the state of India's economy. If we look back, when narendra modi became the prime minister of the country for the first time in 2014, the value of the rupee was 59.44 against the dollar. It was 62.30 in 2015. It was 67.63 in 2016. In 2018, is 74.00. In 2021, it was 76.31. It was 81.16 in 2022 and 83.21 in 2023. If it was 84.80 in 2024, it was 85.61 as of january 6, 2025. Economists say that this can be understood as to how much the rupee has depreciated against the dollar in the last ten years. The value of the indian currency is always lower than the US dollar. However, in 1947, when the country gained independence, it was 3.30. Until 1975, it was 8.39.
However, along with economic policies in the country, many other factors determine the value of the rupee against the dollar. If we look at it that way, it is said that the value of the rupee is falling like never before. Many people who go abroad exchange their indian currency for the US dollar. The US dollar is at a level where most of the international trade exchange is considered valuable using this currency. The value of the dollar is always higher than the currencies of most countries. However, the values of some currencies like the Kuwaiti Dinar, Bahraini Dinar, and british Pound Euro are more valuable than the US Dollar. The indian currency is depreciating even more against the Dollar. However, the saffron party is very popular with the people of the country. That is what is strange, they say.